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Grab a coffee or buy groceries at the beach

Hedebo Strand Café is leased by Lisser, and Hedebo Strand Super has third generation of the family behind the counter.

Here at our campsite you can enjoy life without having to drive around finding food and pleasure. In our local market you will find all the groceries. you need, from 7 until 20 o’clock every day. Inclusive breakfast without ordering and snacks for your stay in your motorhome or in one of our cabins.

Famous fish and grill

The chef at Hedebo Strand Café also runs Fish and Grill in Frederikshavn, which is among one of the most famous grill bars in our part of Denmark. Lisser serves eg. fish and chips, steaks and a national Danish dish, when the café is open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays in low season and all days in high season.

Local market with a large selection

Our grocery store has long opening hours and a lot of guests. While you look at the many local and national goods, you might buy in the small supermarket, the children can have fun at the playground outside. If you would like to have a round on our beautiful 12-holes miniature golf course, you might grab a cup of coffee or a lunch at Hedebo Strand Café.

Check out our status with the Danish Veterinary and Food Authority here...