Policy about cookies, photos and video

Cookies Cookies are needed to make the website work and help us deliver our services. They tell you how to use our website and help us improve your and others' experience of the website. GDPR: Expect that we take pictures and record video of the campsite and our guests which we use on website and social medias. If you do not want this, you can write an email to info@hedebocamping.dk If you click on the website, you accept the above.

Read more about our policies reg cookies, photos and video

Pentecost in Denmark

Do not miss our very popular flea market with several thousand guests and stalls at the campsite and on the beach here in North Jutland Denmark.

This period is often sold out, so we recommend to book your stay in due time. We enjoy having many guests staying at our campsite, but also the many spectators coming to see and hopefully buy some of the things being explored on the market.

Per night you pay (the price includes a stall on the beach or your site if you wish):

Adult: 110 DKK | Child: 90 DKK (3-12y incl)

+ site fee from 65 to 200 DKK (depends on site)
+ electricity (13A): 50 DKK 
+ misc (see prices)

If you stay here on the site, you have the right to have a free stall next to your cart. You can also buy a stall on the beach for DKK 440 incl. Saturday and Sunday, 6 m plus car.

If you also want a stall please book your stay on +4598461449 or info@hedebocamping.dk

Book your stay on the campsite online here...